Waitemata Gundog Club

Contact Details
Mrs Angela MurrayPO Box 150
Phone: 09 236 0044
Email: eventidelabradors@clear.net.nz
Committee Details
Secretary | Angela Murray | 0274979897 | eventidelabradors@icloud.com |
Treasurer | Carolyn Cederman | 09 294 6168 | |
Vice President | David Gibson | ||
President | Paul Robinson | 09 294 6168 |
Upcoming Shows and Events
Our AGM will be held at the AEC Grounds in Ardmore, during the lunch break on Saturday August 25th 2012 (the day of the judges exams). We would like to invite all club members to come along!Our next show is our Championship Show to be held on Saturday 24th November 2012 at NZKC Exhibition Centre in Ardmore in conjunction with Franklin Kennel Association. The judge will be announced closer to the time.
The committe will confirm closer to the time, but our Easter Show in 2013 will likely be held on the Easter Friday afternoon so as not to coincide with the Auckland Kennel Council 125 Year Anniversary Shows. We have secured a great International judge for this show so are looking forward to a great weekend of showing!
Club Activities
Waitemata Gundog Club holds two championship shows per year. South Auckland Gundog club currently run our championship field trial each year on our behalf. During the year club activities are held i.e. ribbon parades, fun days and displays of some of the various activities and disciplines gundogs participate in.Club Scrapbook

Best In Show Waitemata Gundog Club Championship Show held on 24 September 2004 in conjunction with National Dog Show, Waitakere Trust Stadium. Pointer - Ch Robwyn Serious Contender owned by P Robinson and S Ball. Judge Mrs Kerry Lamb - NSW.

Best In Show - Championship Show 26 February 2005 - Gr Ch Lanascol Gladiator - Bred and owned by C Cederman. Judge Geoff Love NSW.