Tiki Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club

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For further information, please feel free to contact the Secretary.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

A Cavalier in training as 'Hearing Dog For The Deaf'

A gathering of Cavaliers for the Tiki Club annual Anzac Day "Walk in the park"

Santa arrives by boat at the annual Tiki Cavalier Club Christmas Fun Day

A Cavalier enjoying the challenge of the 'A' frame on an agility course.

Best in Show, June 2007 Shadola Leadng Lady. Owned by Pam Decke & Shelley Walker.
Shown by Shelley.
Judge - Rose Massey (Aust)
Photo by Supashotz

BEST IN SHOW - Sept 08
Ch Sunnylea Pennies From Heaven
Owned and shown by Judy Whelan
Judge - Elaine Shail (UK)

BEST IN SHOW - April 2009 NZ Ch Carolus Catrice For Darilance (UK)
Owned and shown by Jan Eatock
Judge - Mr W Murdoch (NZ)

BEST IN SHOW - June 2009 NZ Ch Merseyport Carter Of Darilance (Aust)
Owned and shown by Jan Eatock
Judge - Mr Geoffrey Beckett (Aust)
2022 Committee
President | Garry Walker | 09-2929426 | redcrest@xtra.co.nz |
Vice President | Lynn McIndoe | 06-3292590 | lynnmcindoe@gmail.com |
Committee members
Shelley Walker, Pam Decke.Upcoming Shows and Events
We are a friendly club and you are welcome to join us at any club events which are normally held at the NZKC show grounds, 743 Clevedon Rd, RD2, Ardmore, South Auckland.For further information, please feel free to contact the Secretary.
Club Scrapbook

A Cavalier in training as 'Hearing Dog For The Deaf'

A gathering of Cavaliers for the Tiki Club annual Anzac Day "Walk in the park"

Santa arrives by boat at the annual Tiki Cavalier Club Christmas Fun Day

A Cavalier enjoying the challenge of the 'A' frame on an agility course.

Best in Show, June 2007 Shadola Leadng Lady. Owned by Pam Decke & Shelley Walker.
Shown by Shelley.
Judge - Rose Massey (Aust)
Photo by Supashotz

BEST IN SHOW - Sept 08
Ch Sunnylea Pennies From Heaven
Owned and shown by Judy Whelan
Judge - Elaine Shail (UK)

BEST IN SHOW - April 2009 NZ Ch Carolus Catrice For Darilance (UK)
Owned and shown by Jan Eatock
Judge - Mr W Murdoch (NZ)

BEST IN SHOW - June 2009 NZ Ch Merseyport Carter Of Darilance (Aust)
Owned and shown by Jan Eatock
Judge - Mr Geoffrey Beckett (Aust)