Tararua Allbreeds Dog Training Club

Contact Details
Sue Cooper
18 Sycamore Crescent
Palmerston North
Phone: 06 353 6002
Email: tadtc.secretary@yahoo.co.nz
www: www.dogtraining.org.nz

Our First Obedience Champion, Ob Ch Agrade Legend CDX, Owned and Handled by Tanya Emms

Our First Working Trial & Sled Dog Champion, WT&SDCh Cassie. Owned and Handled by Cushla Fitzwater
Phone: 06 353 6002
Email: tadtc.secretary@yahoo.co.nz
www: www.dogtraining.org.nz
Committee Details
President | Anthea Finlayson | 021 648 174 | antheafinlayson@yahoo.com |
Secretary | Sue Cooper | 06 353 6002 | tadtc.secretary@yahoo.co.nz |
Treasurer | Nerolie Morrison | 06 329 6979 | morrison@inspire.net.nz |
Senior Instructor | Cushla Fitzwater | 027 525 8599 | tadtc.show@yahoo.com |
Vice President | Meredith Pitcher | merelabs@actrix.co.nz |
Upcoming Shows and Events
We have 4 terms per year. Our summer classes are held at the Manawatu Canine Centre in Ashhurst and winter classes are held in Longburn. Our Rally-O Champ Show is held in February and our Competitive Obedience Champ Show is held the last weekend in August.Club Activities
Instruction is given by members of the club on a voluntary basis. Training fees cover the costs of running the club and classes. Club members compete in Obedience, Working Trials, Conformation.Club Scrapbook

Our First Obedience Champion, Ob Ch Agrade Legend CDX, Owned and Handled by Tanya Emms

Our First Working Trial & Sled Dog Champion, WT&SDCh Cassie. Owned and Handled by Cushla Fitzwater